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Our Blog

Explore our blog for tips, news, and impactful facts to elevate your organization's trajectory.

September 10, 2024
Have a GREAT Campaign Plan? Don't Make This Mistake . . .

At Midwest Studies Group, we often work with organizations eager to launch a capital campaign. They come to us with impressive plans, sometimes complete with architectural drawings and a clear sense of purpose. However, there's one crucial step that’s sometimes overlooked: determining if the project is financially feasible. We often hear, "Our project would make […]

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August 1, 2024
Yield . . . Do What's Best For Your Capital Campaign and Organization

At Midwest Studies Group, we are frequently asked about capital campaigns. Fundraising firms often recommend starting with a feasibility study, which is something we’ve discussed before, such as in this post: Want a Successful Feasibility Study? Be a Trombone. When starting a feasibility study, there are two main concerns that often arise: Here are a […]

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June 28, 2024
Strategic Planning or Feasibility Study?

In just the past 6 months we have been asked many of times at Midwest Studies Group . . . "We want to do a capital campaign. Should we do a strategic plan or feasibility study first?" What a great question this is, as it has a good "chicken or egg" feel to it. As […]

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June 4, 2024
How To Get Your Nonprofit Better Known?

We get asked by clients all the time about how they can get their nonprofits better known in the community. Usually the purpose is because they want to expand their fundraising abilities. If your nonprofit is looking to be seen more in the community, here are just a few tips we give to our clients: […]

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May 24, 2024
Nonprofit Leadership Mental Wellness

If you are a nonprofit leader, then this video is for you. Midwest Studies Group had the pleasure of being joined by Dr. Brian Davidson, from MindVue, who shares his thoughts on mental wellness for leadership, things to pay attention to, and strengths leaders can focus on which help to overcome stress. https://www.midweststudiesgroup.com/nonprofit-leadership-mental-wellness/ __________________________ To […]

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May 16, 2024
Clean Nonprofit Audits . . . A MSG Poem

During my (Chuck Rowe) time as CEO of a nonprofit, our organization went above and beyond to make sure our spending was done was transparent as possible. Building and keeping community trust was a priority. At first going through the steps below felt strange. It felt like extra work and that board and staff might […]

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April 9, 2024

We can't tell you how many times we come across organizations who have a grant writer, who get frustrated, and then contact us at Midwest Studies Group about taking over their grant writing. When talking with potential clients, we often end up suggesting that perhaps their grant writer is better than they might get credit […]

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March 4, 2024
March . . . Your Fundraising Key To Success

Fundraising is unpredictable, often dictated by the calendar rather than your preferences. While November and December are prime fundraising months, it could also be said that January and February are often slower times, which you don't want to bother people too much because of "donor fatigue", that could set in. We also tell organizations all […]

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February 2, 2024
Want Your Own Nonprofit Island? We say NO!!!

The idea of being on a private island by yourself is captivating—tranquility, sunlight, and relaxation. While it's a dream for some, it can turn into a nightmare for others due to loneliness. Similarly, nonprofits often isolate themselves, whether out of fear of resource loss, a sense of superiority, or difficulty connecting with others. Regardless of […]

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January 16, 2024
What Donor Software Should We Use?

At Midwest Studies Group we get a number of questions all the time, and we try to post them on here once in awhile so that we can help as many people as possible. The question we are sharing with you this time is, what software should we use to keep track of our donors? […]

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